Tuesday, February 28, 2023

SATIRE anyone? StreetsBLOB parodies Streetsblog-which isn't that easy.


Monday, February 27, 2023

Australian Struggles With Big City Bike Culture The Guardian


Monday, February 20, 2023

When the NYCDOT and the Bike Lobby Marry OP ED The Village Sun Feb 2023

Deep insight from as to why there is no responsible bike culture. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/KtbxLrjVlLSkHjMmDQPNMwCjPVWdjRpbDq?projector=1&messagePartId=0.1

Lithium Battry Fires-Fire Dept Scrambling

 Fire Dept Scrambling to manage debris from lithium battery fires

Dear New Yorkers,

In just two years, the number of fires caused by lithium-ion batteries commonly found in e-bikes has more than quadrupled, according to the FDNY.

The fires have left behind so much hazardous, still-flammable material that the Sanitation Department ran out of storage — and used an emergency contract to hire a company to cart it away.

Lithium-ion batteries removed from fires filled 159 containers — in sizes from 5 to 85 gallons — at a DSNY storage facility in Gravesend, Brooklyn last year. Then the city hired a company called Action Trucking to remove them in the fall.

Many common items, like watches and cell phones, safely use the rechargeable batteries. But larger, unregulated versions found more recently in electric bikes, scooters and other devices have sparked dangerous fires.

Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh on Friday wrote to the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission, asking it to take steps to regulate the batteries, including stopping uncertified ones from entering the country.

In her letter, she said the batteries led to 219 fires in New York City last year, causing 147 injuries and six deaths.

A Tuesday morning fire in Bushwick that critically injured a woman was the

 Tech Billionaire Marc Lore means to disrupt fast food delivery with high end ghost kitchens with

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