Saturday, September 30, 2023

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Material deleted from the Yahoo/NYDN account of "well liked PR" accident

he Yahoo article cuts out the young man’s fervent support of bikes, and against cars. Perhaps it is that the Daily News altered the article to make it seem less that he was a bike zealot, or perhaps Yahoo did that. But I’ve attached the paywall removed article from the NYDaily News which say this part which was left out of the article below. "Before the crash, Priley often spoke of the city’s bike infrastructure and “expressed frustration with the mayor’s office,” according to Horne. “We have a transportation system bent towards cars,” he said. “I’ve had countless of my own close calls when biking. It cuts different when it’s someone close to you.” Horne, who works in urban planning, said Priley does not have intentions of running for office and prefers to work behind the scenes." There might be other edits but this is the important stuff that was left out from the Yahoo article taken from the NYDaily News. ******This demonstrated that Priley was not paying attention to his own experience. Not wearing a helmet and having had -according to the above "countless" close calls-unwise at best. We hope Priley survives the head trauma-experienced by others who have been hit by cyclists-and preaches the gospel of a responsible bike culture. Amen.*****

Monday, September 25, 2023

NYDN-"Well liked" cyclist(without helmet) in coma

A "well liked" PR specialist was in an accident with a vehicle. The cyclist-who may have been at fault-and certainly should have deferred to a vehicle sufferred what appears to be traumatic head injury. We hope he recovers. But does the headline imply that other victims-cycling or pedestrian-are not well liked? If we wear helmets can we be considered well liked? Well-liked NYC public relations specialist fighting for life after Citi Bike crash

Village Sun-NYC-EVSA Town Hall Sept 27th.23-- NYC

The Village Sun gives background information concerning the 3rd Town Hall meeting sponsored by the NYC Electric Vehicle Safety Alliance. These meetings bring together public officials,victims of electric vehicle accidents and members of the public concerned about the decades long abject neglect of public safety. Kudos to EVSA-in particular the public face of Janet Shroeder-public face.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

NYC AM/Metro Another e-bike hit&run fatality-Murray Hill

A senior woman was fatality struck at the intersection of Second Ave and 38th Street by a hit and run e-bike cyclist. the frequency of these needless tragedies is appalling. The lack of a rewsponsible bike culture- the uninhibited belief in the right to ignore the law and jeopardize anyone anywhere is hubris without limit. To hit and then run is an abdication of one's humanity. Regarding someone whose life is ebbing and flowing away takes a real indifference to humanity. Whether it be fear of consquences or a reckless disregard for public and personal safety is immaterial.The fact that the bike zealots were able to prevail on three city administrations to withhold sustained efffective enforcement shows that common decency, the promotion of the common good has been cast aside. It is only now that through the concerted efforts of groups like and Pedestrians 4 Bike Safety that the powers that be have recognized that there are more votes in favor of public safety than the irrational delusions that have brought about the crisis.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

NYC Chinatown**Priscilla Loke fatality**aftermath** Village Sun

People want answers. Another rogue rider. Anther hit and runThe Village Sun one of the finest community news publications in the state is covering this fatality diligently. Informatively.Family and community are pursuing anwers. Was the cyclist running a red light? Why did the NYPD officer allow the cyclist to ride away without getting information-or at all? This story- this tragic unwarranted fatality may be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Get the Adam's administration to organize the NYPD to provide the backbone to a responsible cycling culture. Long postponed. The zealotry and hubris have inflicted incalculable damage on the NYC quality of life. Mayor Adams sure has his hands full Likely got more than he bargained for. Trouble is opportunity.

Downtown**NYC: Beloved educatior run down by cyclist**Chinatown **Ch 7

This is the second posting about this needless tragedy. One because its all too frequent. Two because there is a picture of the 1 year old toddler who was an innocent victim of fentanyl trafickers in the Bronx. Mayor Adams waxed long and plaintively about young Domenici who was cruelly snatched from a life of promise by despicable criminal hypocrites. However the lawless culture that has plagued the city for more than 2 decades has cost the lives of numerous innocent pedestrrians. The lack of reliable statistics about these events is one telling defect. But more the lack of enforcement-the backbone of a responsible bike culture-is a grievous negligent reckless disregard for public safety.***The buck stops with the mayors. Initially Bloomberg. Said to want to attract the Tech Industry. Many techies preferring to ries bikes. Next De Blasio succumbing to the clamor and supposed voting prowess of the "visionaries". Plus the campaign donations for which Dollar Bill was willing to comply with the wishes of many deep pockets. And finally Mayor Adams. A former NYPD Captain. A law and order campaigner. The buck stops with Mayor Adams. Direct the NYPD to enforce the law. That's their job. Their purpose. Allow them to activate a unit that puts cops on bikes. Use hot spot enforcement. Keep authentic statistics. Enough is enough. The public -NYC-EVSA-The Electirc Vehicle Safety Alliance and Pedestrians for Bike Safety are organized and motivated. It's damn sure time that the city administrations stop dancing to the Trump like sociopathic delusion of the self styled bike visionaries. The public is at the turning point--and there is no turning back. Safer Saner Streets and Sidewalks must be achieved.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Local*** Another hit and run bike fatality. Senior victim.

This time Murray Hill and Second Ave. 69 year old female,May have connection to United Nations. Wrong way e-bike rider. Of course the bike visionary/zealots persist in calling for NO ENFORCEMENT. Mayor Adams is irate about Fentanyl killing toddlers. What about rogue bike riders killing seniors??? Mayor Adams. What about it?

Boston Globe: Building Bike Lanes isn't Enough

This piece cites the indication that bike ridership is NOT growing as fast as the bike build out anticipated. It cites the old arguement about being environmentally beneficial and human health friendly. However in addition to the opposition by various groups this piece neglects to state that the European cities ie Amsterdam that now has a robust cycling polpulation worked diligently to establish a responsible biking culture. enforcement being the backbone of same. Cyclists appreciate the privilege of cycling to work and for pleasure. They discipline one another and motorists. Further in cities like New York the logisitics of population density and street width are very different. The opposition by bike "visionaries" to enforcement is neither consistent with responsible biking culture nor rational. More bikes on the streets is only safer with safe-responsible riding.***Building bike lanes is definitely NOT enough. A safer saner environment is dependent on a responsible, rational approach.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

NYC Downtown:::2 elderly women from Chinatown fatally struck

One by cyclist-who fled-one by a van.