Friday, May 10, 2024

Village Sun- ** Cyclist pepper sprays 72 yr old female motorist. Assault 2 ******** A male cyclist took umbrage at a 72 year old female motorist. Employed his form of retribution and pepper sprayed the intimidating motorist. Such is the hubris and warped sense of entitlement generated by vision zero and its perpetrators and enablers. Let us give credit where credit is due. Charles Komanoff-the Sophist- in- Chief of Vision Zero and Mark Gorton high frequency hedge fund zealot and supporter of Robt Kennedy Jr's worm in the head campaign. Komanoff apparently a willing front for Placemaking X est by Fred Kent-Co-Founder of Trans Alt and we surmise former mayor Michael Bloomberg who advocates making New York City a "luxury destination" seemingly gloats at the collateral damage of deaths and accidents and the cumulative damage to the quality of life. First create chaos on the streets and sidewalks.-in the name of climate benefits. Then rail against the congestion that and the ride share onslaught has caused-far from benefitting the air quality or quality of life. Then push congestion pricing. All while lambasting the motor vehicle and artlessly armtwistng elected public officials.**********

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