Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Instagram-Postings of cyclist-pedestrian mayhem.

This is meant to be distrubing. It is disturbing.Real life examples of the lack of a responsible bike culture. Intentionally designed by the reckless disregard for public safety by the LACK OF ENFORCEMENT. The backbone of a responsible bike culture. And rational.***********

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Patch: 75 year old Rabbi struck by e-bike on E 77th Street

On May 21 prominent Rabbi Michael MIller was struck by a wrong way e-bike rider while crossing Third Avenue and 77th Street. Rabbi Miller was taken to Weil Cornell hospital with serious injuries. The e-biker is in the wind.************

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Village Sun** Gov. Hochul Drops the Rag: Temporary Pause on Congestion Pricing

Lincoln Anderson does another masterful piece in his ongoing coverage of the Vision Zero debacle and the congestion pricing catastrophe.***

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Gov. Hochul imposes a "pause" on congestion tax

Gov. Kathy Hochul imposed a temporary "pause" on the soon-June 30 to be implemented congestion pricing. Hochul did an abrupt about face after being a vocal supporter of the congestion pricing which was supposed to generated 1 billion dollar per year to the MTA. The chickens are seemingly coming home to roost for the Vision Zero zealots. the largely stealth sequence was Vision Zero-Congestion pricing and PlacemekingX. Charles Komanoff-co-founder of Transportation Alternatives along with Fred Kent of Placemaking is the sophist in chief. A previous gradiose endeavor was as vociferous opponent of nuclear energy. Back in 2022 Komanoff did a 180 acknowledging that NE was critical to combat gobal warming. With the same zealotry and hubris Komanoff proclaimed that Vision Zero-imported from Europe was crucial for the environment. However he avoided an environmental impact study-because he knew best. He fought enforcement by the NYPD-a key element of a responsible bike/micro transport culture. Result a toxic public safety mess. Praise Hochul. Lambaste Komanoff and company-Wrong on nuclear energy. Wrong on Vision Zero-WRONG on Congestion pricing. The gloating grandiose Komanoff is WRONG WRONG WRONG.

EVSA call for action to thwart e-bike pilot program "extension" in parks

Call to Action about ebikes in Parks 1. CALL 311 today and file 'formal complaint' letter about extension of dangerous pilot program. This complaint should be addressed to MAYOR ADAMS and NYC DOT. Be sure you tell them that your one letter goes to both. Let them know how much you are against the e vehicle pilot program being extended. It has been a disaster. It isn't safe to walk in our parks anymore for fear of being hit. No redesign will ever change e-vehicles speed and running lights. Crime is way up in Central Park since pilot program began . "E bikes and mopeds (illegal in parks) are preferred get away vehicle for NYC crime" (Chief John Chell) and have been being used in our parks many times as get away vehicles since pilot program began. Cyclists-- please mention how unsafe these vehicles are on our parkways and in our parks for cyclists too.

Monday, June 3, 2024

WPIX** Venezuelan sccoter riding scoflaw-shoots 2 NYC cops

A Venezualan scooter riding scoflaw shot 2 NYC officers who stopped him from riding the wrong way in Queens. He was shot in the ankle as well. He is suspected of being part of a scooter robbery gang.***********

WPIX-J Rizk E-bike collides with double parked Tractor Trailer. Truck wins

Jose Rodrieguez was out for a spin at 4 am Saturday morning. He hit the lift of a double parked truck. The truck won.Washington Heights. 181st St.***** Man on e-bike dies after colliding with double parked tractor-trailer in Manhattan: NYPD

Saturday, June 1, 2024

CBS News** Lithium ion battery fire damage on the rise** since 2019 NYC & beyond. *** This is an extensive piece. Crisis numbers in NYC-The city of "yes". Bloomberg's "luxury destination."** WNYC reported there have been 25 fatalities and 250 lithium battery injuries.