Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Gov. Hochul imposes a "pause" on congestion tax

Gov. Kathy Hochul imposed a temporary "pause" on the soon-June 30 to be implemented congestion pricing. Hochul did an abrupt about face after being a vocal supporter of the congestion pricing which was supposed to generated 1 billion dollar per year to the MTA. The chickens are seemingly coming home to roost for the Vision Zero zealots. the largely stealth sequence was Vision Zero-Congestion pricing and PlacemekingX. Charles Komanoff-co-founder of Transportation Alternatives along with Fred Kent of Placemaking is the sophist in chief. A previous gradiose endeavor was as vociferous opponent of nuclear energy. Back in 2022 Komanoff did a 180 acknowledging that NE was critical to combat gobal warming. With the same zealotry and hubris Komanoff proclaimed that Vision Zero-imported from Europe was crucial for the environment. However he avoided an environmental impact study-because he knew best. He fought enforcement by the NYPD-a key element of a responsible bike/micro transport culture. Result a toxic public safety mess. Praise Hochul. Lambaste Komanoff and company-Wrong on nuclear energy. Wrong on Vision Zero-WRONG on Congestion pricing. The gloating grandiose Komanoff is WRONG WRONG WRONG.

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