The Coalition Against Rogue Riding (C.A.R.R.) demands strict enforcement of traffic regulations for all street vehicles, including bicycles, and supports measures that will enable these regulations to be enforced reliably and efficiently.
Monday, September 2, 2019
Steve Cuozzo NY Post 8-31-19 Central Park scofflaw cyclists
Cuozzo makes another foray in the visionary cyclist paradise of CP. Surprise its radically unsafe.
Central Park is full of signal-snubbing cyclists who need to be stopped
Red lights are just part of the scenery to Central Park
cyclists. Nowhere else in town do bikers ignore traffic signals in such
mass numbers and with such flagrant disregard for human beings on foot.
Of 68 bikers who approached red lights on the Park Drive at East 85th
and East 90th streets over a 20-minute period Friday morning, an
astounding 54 rode through the red. That’s 79 percent.
Laws? What laws?
Bike advocates say there shouldn’t be lights in the park at all —
just let riders and walkers yield to each other as conditions require
and everyone will be happy.
Sure, let’s also yank the lights from the corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street, and let good common sense prevail!
Cyclists don’t care that the park’s traffic lights already wildly
favor them over pedestrians. Walkers at East 85th Street had barely a
minute to cross — and often had to press a button to get a green signal
at all.
But the green for cyclists and motor vehicles lasted at least three
minutes (although cars are banned, Parks Department and emergency
vehicles can still use the drives).
The red-runners included helmet-wearing jocks easily exceeding the
park’s 20-mph maximum speed; a slow-moving family of four who
inexplicably stopped when their light was green, only to hop into gear
when it turned red; and a distracted young couple who laughed their way
through the red after his wheels bumped into hers.
Since novice Citibike users and Tour de France-wannabe daredevils
alike blow through park red lights with impunity, is it surprising
they’re scarcely more responsible on the streets?
Cyclists routinely complain that police give them a hard time. But
I’ve never seen a cop stop a red light-running biker in the park, even
though NYPD cars are always there.
I decided to take a count after years of watching flagrant
red-running at the two East Side Park Drive crosswalks, which I often
use en route to the Reservoir running track.
Cycle traffic is naturally much higher on weekends, when packs of
signal-snubbing riders scare the wits out of joggers, families, children
and sight-seers trying to cross the road.
It’s mob rule on two wheels and City Hall couldn’t care less.
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