from the common good. Further the fact that a responsible bike culture was never legitimately attempted casts a grave doubt on the validity of the "visionaries" of Vision Zero.
Both Mayor Bloomberg-currently blitzing media with self promoting stuff about his high competence and level headed management-as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for
President and the current Mayor-who wisely withdrew from his campaign for the same destination-both of these stable geniuses went along with Transportation Alternatives desire to minimize enforcement against scofflaw cyclists. This to allegedly encourage more cycling. This to allegedly create safer streets. BLATHER & BOMBAST. We got bike bedlam and an increase in cycling deaths-pedestrian danger and injuries AND an increase in bike lanes. Sophistry prevailed.
What Gov. Cuomo has done is to signal that The Emperor wears NO CLOTHES. Much like Mark Gallis-Editor in Chief of Christianity Today did with his editorial calling for the removal of another
stupendous New York ego-Donald J. Trump-who successfully bamboozled his way to the Oval office. Its time that the politicians in New York City took their paws out of Transportation Alternatives pockets and their heads out of their own armpits.
Thank you Gov. Cuomo.
affic & transit
Cuomo Vetoes Bill To Legalize E-Bikes And E-Scooters In New York
Cuomo said the absence of safety measures rendered the bill "fatally flawed."
By Kathleen Culliton, Patch Staff

Cuomo objected to safety measures left out the bill lifting restrictions on e-bikes and e-scooter passed by state Legislature houses passed in June, he said in a statement.
"The Legislature's proposal inexplicably omitted several safety measures included in the budget proposal," Cuomo said.
"Failure to include these basic measures renders this legislation fatally flawed."
The NYPD has seized more than 930 e-bikes in 2019, Mayor Bill de Blasio said in October.
In 2020, businesses that use e-bikes or pay workers to use them could face $200 fines, the Mayor said.
State Senator Jessica Ramos and Assembly Member Nily Rozic, both Queens Democrats, sponsored the bill in their respective houses.
The lawmakers argued electric vehicle legislation would improve quality of life for delivery men and women who rely on the bikes to make a living.
In a statement, Rozic called the veto a "missed opportunity" to "deliver economic justice for thousands of delivery workers across New York City."
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