Before he left office the popular Brooklyn Boro President Marty Markowitz
referred to the frantic intensity with which the advocates for Vision 0 were
pursuing a carless city as "zealotry". Having managed to prosoletyze
then DOT Commissioner J Sadik Khan and persuade Mayor Bloomberg that one way to attract the tech industry was to minimize enforcement on the
techies who fanicied riding bikes for transportation and fun a fanatic and
irresponsible course was set which has resulted in a city without a responsible
micro transport culture and a public safety crisis.Further the NYPD has been
undermined. There was never an environmental impact study done. The
city now has world class congestion which has not been beneficial for air quality
which was the initial pitch to arouse the fervor of the followers.
Charles Komanoff was one of the founders of Transportation Alternatives.
He has spun a shape shifting web of statistics and sophistry to continue to
support Vision 0 while the ctiy continues to suffer deaths by cyclists and numberless
accidents caused by bike riding rogues who hit pedestrians. The statistcs are not
kept for emergency room visits.It is not possible to calculate the close calls that
have resulted in a justified paranoia on the part of pedestrians young and old.
The following is a link to a story concerning the 180 degree about face on the
use of nuclear energy by Komanoff. He had been a vociferous and omnipresent
detractor of the use of nuclear energy. Now as the reality of global warming has
become incontrovertible he has capitulated to right and reason.
About the same time that Komanoff took up his cudgel against nuclear energy
he had a vision on a carless New York City. Given the epidemic of insult, injury
loss of business, expanded emergency response time and the stress of living in
an environment of ongoing jeopardy and the recognition that far from improving
the environment Vision 0 has maligned it-it is time for reasonable and responsible
people to acknowledge that Charles Komanoff was WRONG on NUCLEAR ENERGY
and is WRONG on VISION 0.
| Fri, Nov 11, 4:43 AM (2 days ago) | ||
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