Saturday, June 17, 2023

Reminder to Sen. Liz Krueger June 15,2023

Sen. Krueger sent an email offering to assist hearing and visually disabled people with technology to improve their quality of life. The following is a reminder from Coalition Against Rogue Riding Spokesman Jack Brown-that she had an opportunity to address the lack of a responsible bike culture back in 2010. When New York Magazine misquoted Mr. Brown who called the pervasive unpredictablility and danger on the streets and sidewalks " a kind of terrorism"-the writer quoted him as saying it was "terrorism". Krueger abandoned the project to bring about a safer saner environment. Quality of life. *************************************************************************************** Sen. Krueger-Your office had the opportunity to accomplish much on behalf of the disabled more than ten years ago. As the Spokesman for The Coalition Against Rogue Riding I spent nearly a year interacting with your transportation aide to address the lack of a responsible bike culture. New York Magazine did an article. The piece was so one sided the editor required the writer to present a modicum of a critical point of view of what became known as Vision Zero. He contacted me. I said the lack of a responsible bike culture created an environment that was akin to "a kind of terrorism." He quoted me as saying it was "terrorism". Now 13 years after the fact we have experienced years of needless hazard. Endured the daily danger caused by the neglect of responsible enforcement so ordered by the administrations since Bloomberg. Now Senator Krueger do you experience a twinge of remorse for summarily bolting from the process that might have brought about reasonable public safety? Do you regret abandoning your constituent's better interests? Their physical and mental health? I recognize that Transportation Alternatives and their minions can be obnoxious. I recognize that as a vote counting politician you calculated that their money and organization would translate into possible defeat. As a career politician that would derail your plans.But consider that the 2-3% of cyclists does not figure to be more valuable than the balance of voters- including "responsible" cyclists. The damage that has been done to the city's quality of life including needless deaths. injuries and numberless close calls is incalculable.The elite white men that have funded and pursued their zealous "vision" are steeped in hubris and arrogance.The loss of business due to the bike lanes is in the billions. The loss of revenue due to missing parking space is considerable. The dining sheds that also remove parking are rat motels and hinder sanitation, emergency response times and are visually repellent. New York has the worst congestion in the nation. How's that for going green? You want open space? Enhance parks. Don't shut down viable streets. Next time a visionary needs an ambulance send a pedicab. There is no gentle way to put it Sen. Krueger. You blew it. You succumbed to a rhetoric and bluster similar to the sociopathic BS of Queens product Donald Trump. Transportation Alternatives prevailed on Mayor Bloomberg to withhold enforcement by the NYPD. Enforcement is the backbone of a responsible bike culture.There was never an environment impact study. Congestion pricing is a product of the congestion caused in large measure by the bike infrastructure. Senator Krueger New York has been taken on an irrational ride. With egos that aspire to rival that of Robert Moses. Consider what might have been done for the ear and eye disabled. Some of whom are currently sueing the Open Streets projects. Consider what might have been avoided had we continued with our efforts. Consider what might have been accomplished in the name of public safety and mental health. Think about that the next time you return from Albany and set foot on the city sidewalks and city streets. You don't know where the danger is coming from but you know it's coming. Tell me Sen. Krueger isn't that "a kind of terrorism?" Jack Brown Coalition Against Rogue Riding

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