Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A Rant-"Lina Lina" Her partner struck by cyclist in Central Park 8/21/19

 Lina really lets it go at serial sophist Charles Komanoff. Justly outraged for many reasons-her partner was struck by a cyclist in Central Park-"Hasn't been the same since." Writer approaches
the theme of the supremely narcissistic power players being swayed, manipulated, arm twisted
by the ever confident shamelessly arrogant Charles Komanoff. He of the bottomless drivel of
statistics. How about starting a Go Fund Me campaign to stake Komanoff to an extended head
shrinking by a registered cycling psychiatrist?  No wait  It's like bike riders and licensing.
If they ride for free-no license-they ride without responsibility. Pay your way and respect the road
and rights of others.Komanoff will have to go 50/50 to get the campaign. And he'll need to wear a helmet while consulting.

hh how neo-Marxist/Leninist Komissar Komanoff envisions himself at the helm of the People's Car Culture Court, sitting on the bench in his Lance Armstrong biker bro outfit with his gleaming $500K Trek Butterfly Madone leaning casually behind him as he metes out scarce vehicular registrations.
So many tough decisions.
Do illegal immigrants now being given NYS drivers licenses get a car, that classic piece of the American Dream they risked their lives for?
Do people of color, having lived under White Privilege now get denied?
Do the elderly get to keep their cars or must they now head to re-education camp and learn how to peddle trikes?
Do contractors now have to lug their tools and supplies to jobs on the subway?
Do food suppliers in the Bronx have to hire teams of bikers harnessed to wagons to get their staples to their customers?

OH what JOY to be in control of such an important authoritative division of the new totalitarian dystopian utopia!!!!

BTW: My partner was slammed into by a speeding biker in Central Park and had to have brain surgery within the hour. She had the green light in the crosswalk. She hasn't been the same since.


Lets use real democracy and find out how many NYers want to ditch their vehicles instead of a few ideologues shoving policies , like bike lanes, down our throats. Where's your so called "democracy"when the totalitarian ideologues like Komrade De Blasio and King Bloomberg rule without consent of the masses. Proof: bike lanes have been pulled from neighborhoods after residents fought back. Car-centric mostly Latino Inwood, where many immigrants have new gas guzzling SUVs that they often idle as parking is ever scarcer went berserk after bike lanes were put in. Less than 6 months later they're gone. Try that in Queens and the mayor and his army of progressives are going bersek against the complaining residents. So yes, this is how communists work. A small group of totalitarian ideologues against the masses...NOT even remotely resembling democracy!


Marxism/Leninism totalitarianism all balled into one when a tiny group of power hungry Leftists pose as "social justice warriors" and impose their dystopian "utopia" on the masses. Who doles out the registration permits to the few Komossar Komanoff decides are exempt from Car Culture Crackdown??? Krackhead Komanoff, of course! That's REAL Marxism.Leninism at work. That's how the communist s**t show AlWAYS turns out. They rule, you OBEY! Anyone who opposes gets shouted down, mocked, trashed & condemned on social media, and eventually as "progressives" gain more and more power masses wind up in gulags or "disappear" like under their benevolent predecessor and mentor Uncle Joe... Stalin.


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